

When you feel alone, keep your mind in a good way. Don't blame anyone for this situation. Just trust your self that you can handle every condition in your life. 
Sometimes you can't handle it, in this situation you need something to do. Go outside of your room or your home. Play music about happiness. Go to the crowded place and just feel the air. Forget all of your problems, your loneliness, and your sadness. 

 "Your God is bigger than your problem. Don't worry, every problem has a way to solve it. You just should be strong like a rock in the mountain, like a coral in the sea. You deserve to get happiness in your life."

After your feelings become good, take a cup of hot chocolate (this is my way). Drink it slowly. Feel the bit and the smell. Yeah, let your mind becomes rilex

Every people has a problem. And sometimes, no ones will care about your problem. Only you, yeah only you that can understand. 

Is it selfish way to keep your problem by yourself? I think no. You have something to share with others, but you deserve to keep something. Depend on your priority. 

To everyone who reads this, just believe that life and fight is better than you give up. Even the pain always comes to you. 
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