Together against COVID-19

This COVID-19 has become more serious in my country. For the latest update, around 7.000 people were infected by this virus. Based on this situation, our government makes some policies to protect the citizens. Indonesian was familiar with “gotong royong” culture. That gotong royong means every people will fight this situation together. We will forget all of the differences (religion, status, gender, culture, etc) to punch this epidemic together. Many communities or public figures make donations to collect money, food, mask, hazmat, or anything which has an impact to minimize the disadvantages of COVID-19. 

I think I am lucky to be an alumnus of HIMABES UGM (Himpunan Mahasiswa Brebes Universitas Gadjah Mada). HIMABES UGM is an organization of students from Brebes City that study at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Even though I’ve graduated from UGM, I still keep in touch with the peoples of that organization. We have whats up a group to keep the relationship and communication.

 Moreover, against this epidemic, HIMABES UGM commits to making a donation. Several kind people were contributing to this donation. They give money via bank account transfer. We collect that donation and we convert it to be hazmat and face shield to protect the medical personnel. Then, we distributed the hazmat and face shield for several hospitals in Brebes region.  Thanks for all donator that support our charity. We hope this donation will bring us to better conditions. Aamiin. 

Our documentations:

Actually, I wonder why I made this posting because someone told me that "the deeds of charity do not need to be told". But I remember a quote that was said by Nelson Mandela:

“A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”
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