Day 28 #30DayWritingChallenge

Day 28 #30DayWritingChallenge

Where do you wish to travel next?

Looking back at my passport to see my travel history, the last time visa was in Thailand and China. Covid was robbed of my freedom to visit abroad. I should be back in China in 2020, but the border is still closed now. Actually, If I'm given the chance to go overseas again, for whatever reason I hope to go to a continent other than Asia. My choice is more inclined to the European continent though. But there is one place I want to visit the most besides Europe. Mecca is the place I wish to travel to next. Maybe not just me, but most Muslims will choose mecca. 

I really want to go to Mecca for Umrah or Hajj. bringing my parents there is my dream. Hopefully, this post will be the starting point to realize my dream. Besides Mecca, I also want to go to Medina, a city that also has Islamic historical value and tourism for worship.

Mecca, Medina, and the third is Manchester. Nothing to do with the worship of course. But I have an emotional side to football for Manchester. The hometown of my favorite team, Man United. One day, I will be there.
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